2018 Lessons Learned – Miscommunication & The Deadly Embrace

By Mike Holka As I reflect on my projects in 2018, I find myself thinking about project communications.  In the Project Managers arsenal there are numerous tools that are used for communication.  We have email, dashboards, instant messenger, video conferencing, phone conference, and project websites that house pages and pages of project documentation.  There are.. read more →

Year-End Reflection

By: Adrienne Moulton Can you believe it is already December? I’m sure you can agree that a lot has happened over the past 11 months. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, especially when the Holiday Season hits. It’s also easy to lose sight of our best-laid plans. Think.. read more →

Common Sense Networking For the Novice and Seasoned Professional Alike

By Paul Bagadzinski Recently I’ve found myself doing a lot of professional networking.  Forming solid business relationships is key to obtaining new business opportunities.  No matter whether you’re a seasoned software developer like me or fresh out of college and just starting your career, professional networking can sometimes be an awkward process.  Especially if you’re.. read more →

Learning to Code in Lansing

By Erik Gillespie One of the best gifts I ever received from a friend was learning how to code. I used to (and still do) play lots of video games. I loved the idea of making one of my own someday, but I had no idea how. When I moved to Michigan in 7th grade,.. read more →

Fall Signifies Changes

Adrienne Moulton, Marketing & Communications Manager, RMC Labor Day is upon us already (somehow). On this Holiday, we celebrate the contributions we as American workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. We find ourselves reflecting on our careers and the achievements we’ve made. Am I where I want to be?.. read more →

Developing Your Personal Brand

Developing Your Personal Brand How many times does someone ask “what do you do?” and you tell them you work in “IT” (Information Technology) and the listener proceeds to ask for help with their computer, iPhone, or even their entertainment system.  Or better yet, you tell the person your job title, which, if we all.. read more →

Lansing MITN is Back!

David Hagy, Marketing Chair, Michigan Technology Network (MITN)  Michigan Technology Network (MITN) is a Lansing area volunteer-run organization with the goal to enhance the development of IT professionals in the area. This is done through educational and networking events with a focus on community involvement. As part of our objectives we also have MITN Fellowships.. read more →

RMC’s Annual Summer BBQ & Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser – You’re Invited!

Adrienne Moulton, Marketing & Communications Manager, RMC Michigan’s Summer is finally fast-approaching. Winter seemed to be never-ending and now it seems as though we’ve skipped right over the Spring-to-Summer transition and the heat is here to stay. With Summer upon us, we’re dreaming of Lake Time, Boat Rides, Camping and Grilling Out. This has got.. read more →

CAITC – Collaborative Innovators Impacting Technology in the Capital Area

By Jenny McCulloch – Executive Director, Capital Area IT Council (CAITC) Employer led and directed, the Capital Area IT Council (CAITC) is a coalition of industry, education, economic development, and government partners committed to identifying, developing, and implementing real solutions for improving the quantity and quality of IT professionals in the region.  The Capital Area.. read more →

Dave – Should I Buy Bitcoin?

By David Smith, Founder & Managing Director, Bitcoin Strategic Trading Fund  I’m not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. People ask me all the time, “Hey Dave – should I buy Bitcoin? I should have bought when you told me about it years ago, when the price was a few hundred dollars… read more →